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Garett Sakamoto

What’s the biggest plot twist (or challenge) God has thrown your way since graduation?

A couple years after I started working I had the opportunity to make an internal transfer at my company and work in Japan. There were many challenges that I faced in my time in Japan, but my experiences there are what eventually led me to get involved in JxJ and Japanese language ministries. Coming out of college I always thought I would serve as a connector in the Asian-American church community and I had no idea I would ever be involved with Japanese ministry. Instead, it turns out that I found a passion for ministry work in Japanese.

What are some new understandings of God that you’re currently learning since you graduated?

One of the things that I am being reminded of these days is the authority of God. God is always in control and He has great plans for His glory. Growing up in America the aspect of God we tend to focus on is the aspect of love and how God loves us so much. The emphasis on this really affected my understanding of God, particularly when going through difficult challenges or times. Studying God’s authority has helped me to remember that it isn’t my life and my needs/comforts that are the most important thing, but it is my submission to God and surrendering of myself, daily taking up my cross (Matthew 16:24-26), and submitting to God’s authority is what allows me to joyfully walk the path that God is leading me on.

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Garett graduated from UW in 2003 and served on core from 2001-2003. He currently works for Microsoft and is a Principal Software Engineer serving as Chief Of Staff for the Outlook Yammer Groups organization.

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