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Jinny Park

What’s the biggest plot twist (or challenge) God has thrown your way since graduation?

The biggest plot twist is that I never expected that I would never end up in social work, particularly with an interest in working with geriatric patients. I had always thought I would end up in research, but somehow God opened doors that I never would have expected, and now I'm in New York pursuing my masters in social work.

What are some new understandings of God that you’re currently learning since you graduated?

Lately, I have learned how God can show up in the little things, like a great cup of coffee in a beautiful sunny day. It used to be that I would see God during "bigger things" such as church, worship, or intentional conversation, but lately I've been learning that God can even show up in small ways to uplift me, and I've been learning to see that.

What advice would you give to your college self knowing what you know now?

I would tell myself to don't make rash decisions, and to not feel obligated to try and do everything.

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Jinny majored in English and graduated from UW in 2015. She recently finished her Masters in Social Work at Columbia University and hopes to work with geriatric patients

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